Water Cycle

Apa Water guarantees healthy and high quality water for consumers through its water cycle management tailored to the specific needs of public authorities and industrial clients.

A renewable resource

Water is renewed as it passes through two complementary cycles: the short water cycle for farming, industry and domestic use, and the long water cycle involving water from the natural environment (rivers, lakes, aquifers, seas, oceans, ice and clouds). Apa Water is involved in all stages in the short cycle: we withdraw water from the environment, produce and distribute drinking water and industrial process water; we collect and transport wastewater to our treatment plants where the water is made fit for recycling or discharged back into the ecosystem. We also operate upstream in the long water cycle to protect this natural resource, and downstream to protect the receiving environment.

A renewable resource

Apa Water's prime focus is always on the safety of consumer health. We implement the necessary technology to ensure the distribution of drinking water compliant with national quality standards and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).